Aims and Objective

Christchurch Care endeavours to provide care and support of optimum standard. We aim to treat all staff, hirers and service users equally. Staff are paid fairly, with opportunities for training and continuous professional development. We are committed to expanding our services, including submitting registration to provide domiciliary services and other facets of the business.

Employment Business

Christchurch Care provides health support workers and nurses, to a variety of establishments including healthcare trusts, private hospitals, care homes, specialist care homes, industrial establishments, GP practices and dental practices. Maintenance services, catering services and domestic services can also be found on our website.

Our Nurses and Health Support Staff

Christchurch Care supply Health Support Workers, many of whom have achieved level 2 and 3 diploma in social care. Our Registered Nurses are qualified (RN 1 – 7), to work in a variety of settings, including local hospitals / NHS Trusts, Specialist units, Specialist NHS units, care homes, schools and supported living establishments.

Concerns and Complaints

Christchurch Care strives to ensure you are happy with the service you receive from us. However, there may be times when you feel unhappy about your experiences with Christchurch Care. We value all our clients and staff, and welcome feedback without prejudice.

  • In the event of a concern, please contact a member of the administration team at Christchurch Care office, either by telephone, email or letter.
  • A senior member of staff will investigate your concern.
  • If the concern involves a member of staff, they will be invited to an interview, inorder to discuss the concern.
  • Christchurch Care will let you know the outcome of the investigation and any stepswe are going to take in order to address your concern.
  • We will respond to all written complaints, in writing, within 7 working days. Arecord of your concern is kept on file in the Christchurch Office.
  • Any evidence of misconduct by a registered nurse will be reported to the Nursing andMidwifery Council.
  • If you dissatisfied by the way your concern has been addressed you can contact:Carolyn Jolliffe, Managing Director, Christchurch Care

Updated April 2018

To read our full Terms & Conditions, please download our terms form – Download
